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Masonic Degrees


One of the most complete description of Freemasonry is; “Freemasonry is a very beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”  Allegories are used to develope moral and spiritual lessons, while symbols, such as working tools and other objects are given moral values to impress upon the lessons taught by the allegories.


The degrees of the symbolic lodge or Craft Masonry during the centuries of cathedral building were only two; Apprentice and Fellows of the Craft or journeyman.  A Master was in a class by himself and few workmen attained this position.  Therefore, after 1700, when the ancient ceremonies of advancement became degrees for Speculative Freemasonry, only two degrees were practiced, those of the Entered Apprentice and the Fellowcraft. The earliest extant record of a conferral of a Master Mason Degree in a chartered lodge was in 1732. 


The symbolic lodges of the early colonies conferred not only the first three degrees of Craft Masonry but also the Capitular Degrees of Royal Arch Masonry.  Sometime after the English Union of 1813 between the “Moderns” and “Ancients”, the government of the Royal Arch Degrees were taken from the Craft, or symbolic lodges, and given to Chapters to make up the first step in York Rite Masonry.  Because we believe in the importance of the historical connection of Craft Masonry and Royal Arch Masonry it is our intention to 

confer the Mark Master and Past Master, the fourth and fifth Degrees of Masonry, with the assistance of Kern Valley Chapter Number 75, Royal Arch Masons, thus encouraging our members to complete their masonic education that can only be achieved in the Royal Arch Degrees.     


First Degree: Entered Apprentice

The primary purpose of the First Degree is to prepare the candidate to understand ethical, moral, intellectual and spiritual instruction.  It is also designed to impress upon him the “secret” or esoteric nature of Masonry that he is embarking upon.   The degree conveys the principal tenets of Freemasonry, which are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.  These are the necessary ingredients for a well ordered life and are the foundation for additional lessons in moral and spiritual development.  The Entered Apprentice begins to utilize the working tools that will bring spiritual, moral and philosophical light to his future endeavors.

Second Degree: Fellowcraft

The Fellowcraft Degree introduces the candidate to the importance of the liberal arts and sciences and seeks to explain the connection between Geometry and Morality.  While not yet equipped with the secrets and wisdom of a Master, it was the Fellows of the Craft who performed the major part of the construction on the ancient cathedrals.  

Third Degree: Master Mason

It is based on an event in “Masonic History” during the building of King Solomon’s Temple and teaches the importance of integrity.  The Master Mason Degree, while symbolically imparting additional wisdom, endeavors to direct the candidate towards a daily search for additional light and wisdom.  The degree reveals the sublime truths necessary for a well grounded life and hope for eternal life in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”   


Royal Arch Degrees


Fourth Degree: The Mark Master

The Mark Master degree very impressively illustrates the inherent values found in honest employment and charitable activity.  This degree has a direct connection to the Second Degree as the candidate represents a Fellow Craft working in the stone quarries. 

Fifth Degree: Past Master Degree

The degree of Past Master is not rooted in antiquity.  It was developed not only to satisfy restrictions regulating the Royal Arch Degrees after the government of the Royal Arch was taken from the Craft Lodges and given to York Rite Chapters, but was conferred to all Master-elects before being installed as Master of their lodge.   

(Note: the Mark Master degree has been in recent years the fourth degree, however the Grand Chapter of California Royal Arch Masons has granted Chapters the option of conferring the Past Master before the other Royal Arch degrees for candidates that petition to join a Royal Arch chapter.)


Fifth Degree: Past Master Degree

The degree of Past Master is not rooted in antiquity.  It was developed not only to satisfy restrictions regulating the Royal Arch Degrees after the government of the Royal Arch was taken from the Craft Lodges and given to York Rite Chapters, but was conferred to all Master-elects before being installed as Master of their lodge.   

(Note: the Mark Master degree has been in recent years the fourth degree, however the Grand Chapter of California Royal Arch Masons has granted Chapters the option of conferring the Past Master before the other Royal Arch degrees for candidates that petition to join a Royal Arch chapter.)


Sixth Degree: Most Excellent Master Degree

This the only degree that deals with the completion of the Temple.  The craftsman is confronted with many valuable lessons for his future development.  


Seventh Degree: The Royal Arch Degree

The first six degrees deal with the building and completion of the original King Solomon’s Temple in approximately 1000 B.C.  The Royal Arch Degree deals with the return from exile in Babylon of the Jewish people and the building of the second temple 470 years later according to Masonic History.


The Cryptic Degrees


It is a peculiarity of the York Rite, whether intended or not by the authors, that the movement of degrees is often inverse, and the historical connection reversed so that we apparently go forward in regular progression, the knowledge and light gained always reflects backward upon the path we have traveled before, and degrees that seemed complete when we received them are found to require the explanation of subsequent degrees before they can be understood. That is what makes the infinite interest in the work, and causes the reflective mason to continually study the sublime precepts and ceremonies of the order. This is especially true of the Cryptic degrees, two of which historically preceded the Royal Arch but which hold in reserve their valuable teachings until the candidate is ready to receive them with the most impressive effect.


Royal Master


In this degree Hiram Abif is alive and speaks, imparting to the candidate the sublime teachings of useful labor on earth and a worthy end of life. The tragedy of his untimely death is again brought forth with the great loss suffered by the Craft. This is one of the most beautiful degrees in all Masonry, with lessons so impressive that they are never forgotten. It is especially illustrative of the third and seventh degrees.


Select Master


In this degree we have dramatized one of the incidents that occurred during the building of the Temple. It is closely connected with the Royal Arch degree, and in fact it affords the explanation needed for its perfect understanding. The place of meeting represents a “Secret Vault” or crypt beneath the Temple. Our ancient Grand Masters appear in charge of a very important work connected with the Temple. One of King Solomon’s most particular friends is promoted to the work, in which only a limited number are employed. The historical object of the degree is to commemorate the deposits of an important secret or treasure. Certain secrets are imparted to the candidate, which make clear to him the preceding degrees. It is highly dramatic and of the greatest interest.


Super Excellent Master


​This degree has no connection either in history or symbolism with the Royal and Select Master degrees. It refers to circumstances that occurred during the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuzaradan, commander of the army of the King of Babylon, and the ceremonies are intended to represent the final destruction of the Temple and the carrying away of the captive Jews to Babylon as exemplified in the Royal Arch degree. The Super-Excellent Master degree is divided into three striking scenes. The first scene represents the Jewish captives at Babylon under the direction of Haggai, the Prophet. In the second scene King Zedekiah, of Judah listens to his false counselors and despises the warnings of the Prophet Jeremiah, and the vengeance of the Lord is poured upon him. Jerusalem is captured and its wicked King is taken with his sons before King Nebuchadnezzar, who causes the sons to be put to death before their father’s face, after which he deprives the wretched parent of his eyesight and carries him in chains to Babylon. In colorful and spectacular manner, this degree portrays the fatal effects which follow the violation of sacred obligations.



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